Votiv tablet from 1668

A mother gives thanks to the Virgin Mary for healing her epileptic child.

Votiv tablet from 1668

"Durch dise Taffel bekenne ich mit grosser Dankbarkeit, das ich durch hillf und Gnad der himmelskönigin wegen verlobung in dise H. Capell von einem schwehren brustweh und mein Kind von grosser Geffahr der Gücht und Kindliweh sind erlediget worden."

"With this tablet, I offer my greatest thanks that my vows made in this holy chapel were heard and that the Queen of Heaven granted me help and mercy and saved my child from the great peril of Gücht and Kindliweh."

"Gücht", "Kindliweh" were medieval terms denoting convulsions in children, especially fever convulsions.

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